We help to create and test new products, systems, and services in the circular economy.

Our work reduces the use of new materials needed, energy and water used, and waste produced.
We believe in creative entrepreneurship
The circular economy is a promising approach to promote economic development and sustainability. Our cities, states, and regions face challenges in natural resources, water and energy use, and waste management that can be solved through reuse, redesign, recovery, repurposing, and recycling.
Inspiration for a new idea can come in many forms. We’re skilled at taking an initial idea, researching potential solutions thoroughly, and taking steps to build a venture around the idea.
The circular economy embraces creativity in all forms. Chances are that you’ve seen it in action around your community and didn’t even realize it had a formal name. It can involve borrowing or sharing, turning things meant to be something into something else entirely, or keeping waste out of the landfill while providing economic benefit. Many materials created can have exponential value versus what they were initially created for.
New companies are created every day using circular economy principles. Established companies see value created by materials they once threw away or let gather dust. Creative solutions to big problems can be discovered by anyone!
It’s really difficult to work on something extraordinary without a supporting community or your employer. Through numerous partners, associates, friends, and the plentiful resources available across the United States, we help move ideas and concepts into business ventures.
New circular ventures don’t require a detailed business plan to get started move your ideas forward. Often times, just getting your ideas to make logical sense to others is a huge start. Employers, universities, local communities, states, and regions may have resources already that can turn your ideas into an actual plan.
We believe in making higher-value things out of waste. We love plans that involve turning waste into a potentially profitable business. We’ve worked with all kinds of waste - plastic, metal, electronics, solar panels, batteries, coal ash, and carbon dioxide. Chances are that your big, bold ideas actually make sense once you talk through them with others.

Creative Entrepreneurship Simplified
Identify a problem that inspires you to find solutions.
Generate, develop, and share your ideas with others.
Move from your idea towards a more scalable solution.

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